Systematic Revision of Accreditation Standards

JRCERT Policy 10.600, Policy Statement 10.604 identifies that a comprehensive review of accreditation standards will occur at least every ten (10) years. The most current Standards were implemented January 1, 2011. (Also refer to Policy 80.200, Policy Statement 80.206.)

1.General Information
i.     The JRCERT determines that if the Standards must be revised prior to the ten (10)-year time-frame, a comprehensive review process will be implemented within twelve (12) months.
ii.    Survey tools are developed to solicit input from the JRCERT’s communities of interest regarding the need for change and/or clarification and ease of interpretation.
iii. The process takes approximately 50 months.
Note: Throughout the process, open forums are held at ASRT, ASRT Radiation Therapy, American Association of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD), and Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT) annual meetings/conferences to seek input regarding revision of the Standards. Additionally, the JRCERT solicits input regarding revision of the Standards at professional organization meetings, e.g., state radiologic technology society meetings, where JRCERT representation has been requested.
2.The comprehensive ten (10)-year review process, and all others reviews as needed, to include:
i.     (Month one) The development of a survey tool. The tool will ask salient questions about the existing Standards.
ii.    (Approximately month six) The tool is distributed to:
       a.  Program directors,
       b.  Certification agencies, e.g., American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT),
       c.  Professional organizations, e.g., American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), and
       d.  Posted on JRCERT Web site to allow for input from the general public.
iii.   (Approximately Month 10) All responses are recorded and discussed by Board of Directors.
iv.   (Approximately months 11-17) The Standards Committee prepares DRAFT 1.
       a.  Board will review.
       b.  Board will revise or adopt as amended.
v.    (Approximately month 18) DRAFT 1 is posted for comments to:
       a.  JRCERT Web site and
       b.  Sent to all organizations on Standards Revision Distribution List.
vi.  (Approximately months 19-29) Responses are recorded.
       a.  Reviewed by Standards Committee.
       b.  DRAFT 2 developed.
vii.  (Approximately month 30) DRAFT 2 sent to Board of Directors for review and adoption.
viii. (Approximately month 31) DRAFT 2 posted on Web site and distributed as identified above.
       a.  (Approximately months 32-34) Responses are recorded.
       b.  Reviewed by Standards Committee.
       c.  DRAFT 3 developed, when necessary.
ix.   (Approximately month 35) When necessary, DRAFT 3 posted.
x.    (Approximately months 36-41) Responses are recorded.
       a.  Reviewed by Standards Committee, final version created.
       b.  Sent to Board for review and adoption.
xi.   (Approximately month 42) new Standards and effective date are posted.
xii.  (Approximately month 50) new Standards are implemented. Typically, implementation will be January 1st of the implementation year.