Page 20 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 20

Standard Three: Faculty and Staff

                    3.1   The sponsoring institution provides an adequate number of faculty to
                           meet all educational, accreditation, and administrative requirements.


                    An adequate number of faculty promotes sound educational practices.  Full- and part-time status is
                    determined by, and consistent with, the sponsoring institution’s definition.  Institutional policies and
                    practices for faculty workload and release time must be consistent with faculty in other comparable
                    health sciences programs in the same institution.  Faculty workload and release time practices must
                    include allocating time and/or reducing teaching load for educational, accreditation, and
                    administrative requirements expected of the program director and clinical coordinator.

                    A full-time program director is required.  A full-time equivalent clinical coordinator is required if the
                    program has more than fifteen (15) students enrolled in the clinical component of the program (e.g.,
                    the total number of students simultaneously enrolled in all clinical courses during a term).  The clinical
                    coordinator position may be shared by no more than four (4) appointees.  If a clinical coordinator is
                    required, the program director may not be identified as the clinical coordinator.  The clinical
                    coordinator may not be identified as the program director.

                    A minimum of one clinical preceptor must be designated at each recognized clinical setting.  The
                    same clinical preceptor may be identified at more than one site as long as a ratio of one full-time
                    equivalent clinical preceptor for every ten (10) students is maintained.  The program director and
                    clinical coordinator may perform clinical instruction; however, they may not be identified as clinical

                    Required Program Response:

                        •  Describe faculty workload and release time in relation to institutional policies/practices and
                           comparable health sciences programs within the sponsoring institution.

                        •  Describe the adequacy of the number of faculty and clinical preceptors to meet identified
                           accreditation requirements and program needs.
                        •  Provide institutional policies for faculty workload and release time.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                        •  Review institutional policies for faculty workload and release time
                        •  Review of faculty position descriptions, if applicable
                        •  Review of clinical settings
                        •  Interviews with faculty
                        •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
                        •  Interviews with students
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