Page 2 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 2

Introductory Statement

                              he Joint Review Committee on                 •   Explanation - provides clarification on the
                              Education in Radiologic Technology              intent and key details of the objective.
                              (JRCERT) Standards for an
                                                                           •   Required Program Response - requires
                    T edited Educational Program in
                                                                              the program to provide a brief narrative
                    Magnetic Resonance are designed to promote
                                                                              and/or documentation that demonstrates
                    academic excellence, patient safety, and quality
                                                                              compliance with the objective.
                    healthcare.  The Standards require a program to
                    articulate its purposes; to demonstrate that it has    •   Possible Site Visitor Evaluation
                    adequate human, physical, and financial resources         Methods - identifies additional materials
                    effectively organized for the accomplishment of its       that may be examined and personnel who
                    purposes; to document its effectiveness in                may be interviewed by the site visitors at

                    accomplishing these purposes; and to provide              the time of the on-site evaluation in
                    assurance that it can continue to meet                    determining compliance with the
                    accreditation standards.                                  particular objective.  Review of
                                                                              supplemental materials and/or interviews
                    The JRCERT is recognized by both the United               is at the discretion of the site visit team.
                    States Department of Education (USDE) and the
                    Council for Higher Education Accreditation         Regarding each standard, the program must:

                    (CHEA).  The JRCERT Standards incorporate many        •   Identify strengths related to each standard
                    of the regulations required by the USDE for           •   Identify opportunities for improvement
                    accrediting organizations to assure the quality of
                                                                             related to each standard
                    education offered by higher education programs.
                                                                          •   Describe the program’s plan for
                    Accountability for performance and transparency
                                                                             addressing each opportunity for
                    are also reflected in the Standards as they are key
                    factors for CHEA recognition.
                                                                          •   Describe any progress already achieved in
                     The JRCERT accreditation process offers a means
                                                                             addressing each opportunity for
                    of providing assurance to the public that a
                    program meets specific quality standards.  The

                    process not only helps to maintain program            •   Provide any additional comments in
                    quality but stimulates program improvement               relation to each standard
                    through outcomes assessment.                       The self-study report, as well as the results of

                                                                       the on-site evaluation conducted by the site
                    There are six (6) standards.  Each standard is titled
                                                                       visit team, will determine the program’s
                    and includes a narrative statement supported by
                                                                       compliance with the Standards by the JRCERT
                    specific objectives.  Each objective, in turn,
                                                                       Board of Directors.
                    includes the following clarifying elements:
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