Qualifications and Term of Appointment/Reappointment

Policy Statements

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

90.301recognizes that the qualifications and talents of the individuals who constitute the site visit team are critical to the credibility of the accreditation process.
90.302recruits individuals who meet the established apprentice site visitor criteria.
90.303appoints site visitors who meet established criteria.
90.304requires site visitors to regularly improve and update knowledge and skills through attendance at site visitor workshops.
90.305requires site visitors to be knowledgeable of the accreditation process and objective in program evaluation.
90.306recognizes that a site visitor currently affiliated with a non-JRCERT accredited or probationary status program is not eligible for site visit assignments.
90.307recognizes individuals who identify themselves as retired and who meet the eligibility criteria as established in this policy may continue to serve as team member or team chair.


The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

90.302Arequires apprentice site visitors to demonstrate, through the submission of appropriate documentation, the attainment of the following prerequisites:
i.     knowledge of the scope of professional education available in radiologic technology;
ii.    knowledge and understanding of the relevant accreditation standards;
iii.   ability to make a positive contribution to the accrediting process as evidenced by appropriate professional experience.
90.302Brequires individuals to meet the following entry-level criteria to be considered as a site visitor:
i.     appropriate credentials:
       a.  certification in radiography, radiation therapy, or magnetic resonance by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists;
       b.  certification by the American Board of Radiology in diagnostic radiology, radiation oncology, or medical physics;
       c.  certification in medical dosimetry by the American Dosimetrist Certification Board; or
       d.  certification in medical physics by the American Board of Medical Physicists.
ii.    appropriate professional experience:equivalent of three (3) years full-time involvement with a JRCERT accredited  educational program with an accreditation status of at least five (5) years in one (1) of the following categories:
       a.  institutional official (Dean, Campus Director, Assessment Coordinator, etc.)
       b.  program director;
       c.  clinical or educational coordinator;
       d.  clinical preceptor;
       e.  didactic instructor;
       f.  medical or physics advisor;
       g.  administrative technologist;
       h.  clinical staff.
iii.   attendance at a JRCERT accreditation seminar and site visitor workshop within three (3) years of receipt of their site visitor application.
iv.   ability to participate in a site visit when contacted.
v.    membership in appropriate professional organizations is encouraged.
90.303Arecognizes that site visitors serve at the pleasure of the JRCERT; reappointments are reviewed annually.
90.303BSite Visitor Progression:
i.     The apprentice site visitor must:
       a.  meet entry-level criteria;
       b.  participate in an accreditation seminar and site visitor workshop prior to assignment;
       c.  demonstrate a willingness to serve as demonstrated by no more than three (3) refusals/year when contacted;
       d.  complete a minimum of two (2) site visits with satisfactory performance evaluation for promotion to team member.
ii.    The team member must:
       a.  continue to meet entry-level criteria;
       b.  demonstrate a willingness to serve;
       c.  be recommended by JRCERT executive staff for continuing site visitor appointment;
       d.  complete a minimum of two (2) site visits with satisfactory performance evaluation for promotion to team chair.
iii.   The team chair must:
       a.  continue to meet entry-level criteria;
       b.  demonstrate a willingness to serve.
90.303Crequires site visitors and apprentices to:
i.     maintain confidentiality
ii.    demonstrate knowledge of relevant accreditation standards and JRCERT policies and procedures
iii.   communicate effectively
iv.   apply sound reasoning
v.    effectively employ problem solving skills
vi.   exhibit maturity, objectivity, diplomacy and flexibility
vii.  discriminate among appropriate/inappropriate program standards, policies, procedures and situations
viii. apply appropriate interviewing techniques
ix.   analyze functions, programs, and activities
x.    utilize objective evaluative techniques
xi.   collect and evaluate data
xii.  interact with professional colleagues
xiii. maintain physical stamina.
90.303Ddefines as a practitioner an individual who, on average, provides or oversees services to patients in a healthcare setting a minimum of eight (8) hours per week.
90.303Edefines as a distance education expert an individual who documents development and implementation of a distance education course(s) or has a graduate degree specific to or concentration in distance education methodologies.  
90.303Fdefines an academician as an individual currently or recently directly engaged in a significant manner in post-secondary teaching and/or research.
90.303Gdefines an administrator as an individual currently or recently directly engaged in a significant manner in post-secondary or institutional administration.
90.303Hdefines an educator as “one currently or recently engaged in a significant manner in post-secondary education.”
90.304Arequires site visitors to attend a JRCERT site visitor workshop face to face or online every three (3) years.

Cross References

10.400  Confidentiality of Accreditation Process/Activities
11.100  Principles of JRCERT Accreditation
11.600  Site Visit of the Program
50.700  Functions and Responsibilities
80.100  Conflict of Interest
80.400  Quality Improvement Program

Adopted by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology:  04/04
Revised:  10/05; 04/06; 04/08; 04/09; 10/11; 10/13; 04/17; 04/19; 10/19; 05/21
Editorial Revision:  10/04