Responsibilities of Site Visit Team

Policy Statements

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

90.401defines the primary responsibilities of a site visit team as validating the Self-Study Report, gathering information, reporting that information at the exit summation and to the JRCERT, and evaluating the performance of their peers.
90.402requires the site visit Chair, in collaboration with program officials, to be responsible for developing and distributing the site visit agenda.
90.403requires the site visit Chair to read the following JRCERT Confidentiality Statement at the initial meeting with sponsor and/or program officials and at the exit summation:

“As participants in this accreditation site visit, we are aware that we have access to accreditation information which shall remain confidential. We agree to respect and protect the confidentiality of all accreditation materials, recommendations, suggestions and discussions prior to, during, and following the site visit.”
90.404requires the site visit team Chair to read the following Site Visitor Responsibility Statement at the opening of the exit summation:

“The purpose of this on-site evaluation has been to gather and assess information and to validate the Self-Study Report submitted to the JRCERT. Our report will be provided to the JRCERT office, and the sponsor and program will receive a report of findings from JRCERT staff within three (3) months. The site visit team does not make an accreditation recommendation to the JRCERT. As the final activity of this Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology on-site evaluation of the (discipline) program sponsored by (institution or entity), the site visit team presents this exit summation to sponsor administrators, administration representatives and program officials.”


The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

90.401Arequires the site visit team to complete the Report of Site Visit Team Findings to assure consistent and objective evaluation procedures based on the relevant accreditation standards.
90.401Brequires the completed Report of Site Visit Team Findings to be signed by the team chair and forwarded to the JRCERT within seven (7) days of completion of the site visit.
90.401Crequires the site visit agenda to provide adequate time for program evaluation activities.

Cross References

11.300  Report of Findings
11.600  Site Visit of the Program
50.700  Functions and Responsibilities
80.200  Integrity of the Accreditation Process

Adopted by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology:  04/04
Revised:  04/19
Editorial Revision:  10/04; 1/14