Report of Findings

Policy Statements

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

11.301develops a narrative report of findings (ROF) from the Report of Site Visit Team Findings, submitted by the site visit team, addressed to the chief executive officer of the sponsor with copies provided to appropriate sponsor and program officials and the site visit team.
11.302requires identification of specific objectives of the relevant accreditation standard for areas of non-compliance.
11.303provides the chief executive officer of the sponsor and the program director an opportunity to respond to the objective(s) found to be in non-compliance and to correct inaccuracies within a specified time period and prior to JRCERT consideration of accreditation.
11.304requires the site visit team to review the report of findings and to report any inaccuracies to the JRCERT prior to the sponsor/program deadline for response.


The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT):

11.301Arequires that the report of findings (ROF) contain detailed information regarding the program’s student achievement outcomes and suggestions for program improvement.
11.301Bconsiders accreditation of the program only after receipt of a response to the report of findings, signed by the chief executive officer.
11.304Aprovides an amended report of findings to the chief executive officer and program director upon receipt, from the site visit team, of documented inaccuracies in the original report of findings.

Cross References

10.400  Confidentiality of Accreditation Process/Activities
11.600  Site Visit of the Program
50.700  Functions and Responsibilities
90.400  Site Visit Team – Responsibilities of

Adopted by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology:  04/04
Revised:  04/10